Whidbey Island Robotics Club
Home of Team 2980 - The Whidbey Island Wildcats
Lego Camps
Lego Camps may be the highlight of the year for the Club. Generally held in May, our Lego camps allow elementary-aged students to spend a full weekend learning the skills to build a game-ready Lego robot. Camps start Friday afternoons where the students form small teams of 2-4 and build a basic, working Lego robot. Camp continues all day Saturday where the teams learn a Lego game designed by our FTC and FRC team members. Then, with the help of a high school team member, campers design, build, and program their own robot to play in the game. Campers return on Sunday to finalize their robots in the morning and show off their work in a FIRST-style competition in front of family members in the afternoon. Prizes are given for a number of criteria like best robot design, highest scoring robot, and funniest team name. Former Lego campers can now be found at every level of our teams including FTC, FRC, and alumni now putting their skills to use in college and the workforce.